SCA Strings Conservatory
To teach out Conservatory students to play a string instrument to his or her highest standard of learning in a safe, musical community and providing each boy and girl with life changing opportunities as they pursue artistic excellence.
SCA Strings Conservatory
The SCA Strings Conservatory offers an intensive strings training program to students. Taught by professional string musicans, students learn in a focused and suppertive environment. the curricum is present and overseen by Savannah Philharmonic’s Concertmaster, Dr. Sinisa Ciric.
SCA Strings Conservatory
About Dr. Sinisa Ciric
Concertmaster of the Savannah Philharmonic, Doctorate of Music from the-University of Georgia, founding member of the Balcan Quartet, talented orchestral and soloist violinist, Dr. Sinisa Ciric has performed concerts at Carnegie Hall, Kennedy Center, and Spivey Hall. “Dr. C”, as his students fondly call him, brings over 20 years of teaching and professional experience providing the cornerstone of technical excellence for the SCA Strings Conservatory. “My life has been an extraordinary musical journey through college halls and concert halls. This journey has brought me to this beautiful city of Savannah and to a remarkable collaboration with the Savannah Classical Academy. The Academy staff and benefactors all share in my vision of supporting the creation of a positive youth culture through out SCA Strings Conservatory. In my 20 years as a concert master, chamber musician, soloist, student and educator I have rarely felt as impassioned as I do working with these amazing children. Every day brings new challenges along with joy, laughter, and the gift of possibilities that I can give each student through sharing my experience and knowledge. The legacy of the SCA Strings Conservatory start here and now.”
April 26th 2018
Strings Conservatory
November 15th 2018
Strings Conservatory
May 8th 2019
Strings Conservatory
at Immanuel Baptist Church in Savannah
November 18th 2019
Strings Conservatory
Kids about the
My life changed for the better, I was happier and willing to take big steps. Music calms me. Music helped me to feel better after a hard day.
Makayla, 7th grade student
Dr. Sinisa Ciric
Director of SCA Strings Conservatory
Savannah Classical Academy
705 E Anderson St, Savannah, GA 31401